
A great write up on NPR"s Science Friday


The New Republic commissioned us for a crazy story about murderous sounds


Geoffrey Koslov gets relevant with an insightful commentary on Resonantia


Aline Smithson did a very nice write up for Lens Scratch about Resonantia


A nice bit from Burnaway on the B-Sides show in San Francisco Here


We  were in the Critical Mass top 50 in 2015 for Resonantia


Resonantia is featured in GUP magazine #49


We were in Square Magazine # 604 for our Resonantia series


D. Eric Bookhardt reviews Resonantia for the Gambit


Paige Goodpasture interviews us about Resonantia for The Creative Habit


The New Orleans Advocate reviews Resonantia


Photographer/filmmaker Dave Anderson

paid us a visit one day


Our new book, The Oblivion Atlas, and the photo exhibition reviewed


Our Ogden Museum show reviewed


ARTnews REVIEWS "Counterfeit"